Digital Signatures
Stop data theft by fake or appropriated authentic signatures with secured digital signing processes
Digital signatures go beyond electronic versions of traditional signatures by invoking cryptographic techniques to dramatically increase security and transparency, both of which are critical in establishing a trust and legal validity. As an application of public key cryptography, digital signatures can be applied in many different settings, from a citizen filing an online tax return, to a procurement officer executing a contract with a vendor to a software developer publishing updated code.
ROI for Digital Signatures
Without effective digital signing solutions, organizations may not be able to take full advantage of efficiencies and cost reductions to be gained by automation of formerly manual signature processes, causing them to lose competitive advantage to organizations using a secure digital signature solution.
Changing Industry Digital Signing Standards
Legally accepted standards for digital signatures are constantly evolving, and can vary from region to region and for different applications, so organizations should become familiar with the specific digital signing laws that apply to their processes.
Trust Issues
Because digital signatures often need to be validated by different parties than originally signed the item, they need to convey trust across multiple domains, involving the use of trusted third parties. Many digital signing processes incorporate a timestamp, making the availability of trusted time an important ancillary requirement.
High-Assurance Digital Signing Solutions
Products and services from Entrust can help you create high-assurance digital signing processes that give your organization valuable flexibility in automating, integrating and hosting critical business processes.
Industry Best Practices
By adopting industry best practices and proven technology around secure digital signature solutions you can be confident in your ability to stay ahead of the security curve and in your ability to comply with evolving legal standards and regulatory requirements.
Entrust nShield Hardware Security Modules (HSMs) to Safeguard Digital Signing Processes
Entrust offers proven, independently certified HSMs that meet the highest security standards, provide the capacity and performance you need, and are straightforward to deploy and manage. In addition, our time stamping products provide organizations with a source of trusted time for digital signing applications in which time is an important factor. Finally, Entrust also offers turnkey solutions for organizations requiring secure code signing.
Secure Digital Signing
Implement secure digital signing with high-availability solutions appropriate for your most critical processes. Take advantage of high performance capabilities that can support the most demanding online applications and transaction volumes. Employ fine grained security controls to enforce policies requiring separation of duties, strong authentication for administrators, and quorum authorized signing operations.
Accelerate Deployments
Entrust nShield HSMs integrate with commercial solutions from leading vendors that employ digital signing capabilities.
Securing the Root of Trust with Entrust nShield HSMs
Utilize globally respected product level security certifications such as FIPS 140-2 to streamline auditing and compliance reporting.
SureClinical speeds and simplifies pharmaceutical trials – with Entrust nShield HSMs securing the root of trust
How a startup is helping pharmaceutical companies bring new drugs to market faster and more cost-efficiently through a secure, cloud-based document solution.