Entrust SD160 Plastic Id Card Printer
How-to Videos
XPS Card Printer Driver
Entrust XPS Card Printer Driver for Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
The Entrust XPS Card Printer Driver utilizes Microsoft XPS print technology to support card production on the following systems:
SD160, SD260, SD260L, SD360, SD460, CD800, CD800 with CLM Laminator, CD820, CE840, Artista CR805, CL900, Sigma DS1, Sigma DS2, Sigma DS3, Sigma DS4, Sigma DS4-ES1, EM1, and EM2 systems.
Check the release notes for more information like the supported operating systems.
For detailed installation and use instructions, refer to the XPS Card Printer Driver User Guide.
- XPS Card Printer Driver v8.6 Release Notes
- XPS Card Printer Driver v8.6
- XPS Card Printer Driver User Guide
Security Notice: A security vulnerability was found affecting the Entrust XPS Card Printer Driver version 8.5 and earlier.
The vulnerability has been resolved in XPS Printer Driver v8.6. The best way to address this vulnerability is to upgrade to Entrust XPS Card Printer Driver version 8.6.
If you are unable to upgrade to v8.6, apply this patch to the Entrust XPS Card Printer Driver version 8.5 and earlier. Do not apply the patch if you update driver versions to v8.6.
See Security Bulletin E24-004.
Download the dxp1-patch-E24-004.zip file and refer to the Patch instructions within the .zip file for installation information.
Developer Tools
XPS Card Printer Driver Software Developers Kit
The Software Development Kit provides codes samples and documentation to software developers for developing Microsoft Windows applications that work with SD, CD, CE, CL900, CR, Sigma series card printers. It also supports CLM and TIM modules. Samples are provided as source code and compiled binaries for Visual C++, Visual C#, Visual Basic, and Java. Developers who need application control of printing preferences, application control of card movement, or require data from the card must use the SDK.
NOTE: The v8.6 SDK requires XPS Card Printer Driver v7.3 or later.
Software Developers Kit Reference Guide
SD, CD, CR and CE Series Card Printers Windows Driver SDK Programmer's Reference Guide Rev E
The Application Programming Interface (API) built into the XPS Card Printer Windows driver (referred to as “the driver” in the remainder of this Guide) provides two methods that your application can use to control card personalization operations through the driver. Both use builtin Windows operating system interfaces.
SD,CD, CR and CE Series Card Printers Windows Driver SDK Programmer's Reference Guide Rev E
Design Software
Entrust Adaptive Issuance Instant ID Software
Download a complementary trial version of the next generation ID software.
Entrust Adaptive Issuance Instant ID Software offers all the tools you need to efficiently design, manage and deliver secure ID cards and credentials.
Offering a series of feature-rich editions and an enhanced web-based user experience, the Entrust Adaptive Issuance Instant ID Software leverages core technologies to meet a wide range of application requirements and credential types. Please take a moment to fill out the form below. Once completed, you will be able to download an evaluation copy of Entrust Adaptive Issuance Instant ID Software for yourself and see why this innovative identification software is essential for your identification program.
The Entrust Adaptive Issuance Instant ID Software has a 90 day expiration date.
User Guides
XPS Card Printer Driver User’s Guide
The Card Printer Driver uses Microsoft XPS print technology to support printing from currently available applications. The XPS Card Printer Driver User’s Guide contains:
- Information about the Printer Driver.
- XPS driver installation.
- Driver management tasks.
- Card design tasks.
- Troubleshooting library information.
XPS Card Printer Driver 8.5 User’s Guide
SD160 & SD260 Series Printer Quick Install Guide
Quick Install Guide for printers using the XPS Card Printer Driver.
SD160 & SD260 Installation and Administrators Guide
SD160/SD260 Installation and Administrators Guide (527527-001) This manual contains system administrator information and can be useful when designing, setting up, or implementing a card design program. The guide contains advanced user information including how to use the Printer Manager’s advanced settings.
SD160 & SD260 Series Card Printer User Guide
This manual provides user information for the SD160 and SD260 Card Printers. The manual includes: - An overview of printer components and options, and a description of the system label. - How to use the printer, including how to power the printer on and off, how to use the front panel and LCD menus, card processing basics, how to print a test card, and how to load and replace supplies. - How to perform routine maintenance and troubleshooting tasks
SD/CD/CE Series Card Printer XPS Plug-in Guide
This Guide explains how to use Datacard® ID Works® Identification Software, Datacard® IDCentre™ Identification Software, or Datacard® WebID® Identity Information Software with Datacard SD, CD, and CE Series printers
SD Printer Repackaging for Shipment
Repackaging Guide for SD Printers Rev B.