Certifications & Standards
Compliance and Participation in Standards Bodies
Entrust is a leader in the development of open Internet security solutions. In parallel to its development of an extensive product line, Entrust has led and continues to lead many standards and interoperability initiatives to enable compatibility with the offerings of our competitors.
In particular, Entrust is:
- Standards compliant. Entrust both actively participates in the standards bodies and fully implements recognized standards.
- Vendor interoperable. Entrust actively participates in a number of interoperability initiatives.
- Flexible. Entrust supports a flexible, seamless integration into a customer’s current technology architecture.
Standards Compliance and Participation
Web Services Standards
PKI, Encryption, Digital Signature Standards
Interoperability Initiatives
Although standards are an essential element in the ability to develop interoperable products, standards alone are not enough to guarantee multi-vendor interoperability. This is not something that is unique to PKI and enhanced security solutions. Interoperability testing has always been considered an integral part of demonstrating multi-vendor interoperability in almost every technology area.
Entrust has always been strongly committed to multi-vendor interoperability and this is evident through our proven track record of active participation in industry and government sponsored interoperability initiatives, including:
- the Federal PKI Bridge CA demonstration
- the National Automated Clearing House Association (NACHA) CA Interoperability pilot
- the Securities Industry Root CA (SIRCA) proof of concept
- the Automotive Network Exchange (ANX)
- the Department of Defense Bridge CA demonstration
- the Electronic Messaging Association (EMA) Security Challenge
- PKIX-CMP interoperability testing in association with other vendors and ICSA
- Identrus
- PKI Forum
Entrust actively participates directly in the following standards activities/forums:
- OASIS Technical Committees including:
- Digital Signature Services (chair of committee)
- Security Services
- Access Control
- WS-Security
- The Liberty Alliance
- W3C XML Key Management Work Group standardizing XKMS
- The Open Group (formerly OSF and X/Open)
- ISO/IEC JTC1/SC21/WG4 and ITU-T SG7 Directory
- ISO/IEC JTC1/SC27/WG2 Information Technology Security Techniques
- ANSI X9F1 Cryptographic Algorithms for the Financial Industry
- ANSI X9F3 Cryptographic Protocols for the Financial Industry
- IEEE P1363
- Federal PKI Technical Working Group (TWG)
- MISPCv2 (Minimum Interoperability Specification for PKI Components Version 2) Working Group
- The Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) Wireless Security Group (WSG)
- Several Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) – working groups including:
- Public-Key Infrastructure X.509-based (PKIX)
- Common Authentication Technologies (CAT)
- Secure/Multi-purpose Internet Mail Extensions (S/MIME)
- XML Digital Signature (XMLDigSig)
- LDAP Extensions (LDAPExt)
Within these groups, Entrust often takes a lead role in developing standards that describe secure solutions, and describe techniques facilitating ease of interoperability.