SPML (Service Provisioning Markup Language)
Service provisioning refers to the “preparation beforehand” of IT systems’ materials or supplies required to carry out a specific activity. It goes beyond the initial “contingency” of providing resources, to encompass the entire lifecycle management of these resources.
SPML (Service Provisioning Markup Language) is an XML-based expression syntax and request/response protocol for the exchange of user, account and resource provisioning requests.
Why is it needed?
The exchange of user information between two points, or identity management systems, depends upon the acceptance of an open, XML-based standard such as SPML. The different components of an Identity Management system will often come from different vendors; interoperability requires common syntax and protocols for the messages that will flow between these components.
SPML version 1.0 is a draft OASIS standard being developed within the OASIS Provisioning Services Technical Committee. SPML version 1.0 is currently at Committee Specification status and is expected to be ratified in Summer 2003.
Entrust Involvement
Entrust is an active member of the OASIS Provisioning Services Technical Committee working on SPML. Additionally, Entrust participated in the SPML interoperability event at Burton Catalyst.