ADLINK Technology
ADLINK Technology Inc. (TAIEX 6166), a global leader in Edge Computing, reduces the complexity of building Industrial Internet of Things systems that balance the requirements for data availability both at the edge and in the cloud. ADLINK is an active contributor in many standards and interoperability initiatives. They have products available in over 40 countries, is headquartered in Taiwan, with operations in San Jose, CA, Singapore, Tokyo, Seoul, Mannheim, Paris, Beijing, Shanghai, and Shenzhen. The company provides OEMs and Systems Integrators with Industrial Building Blocks and Application Platforms for Communications, Automation, Transportation, and Test & Measurement markets.
Entrust and ADLINK partner to enable trust at the edge. The partnership will integrate Entrust's ioTrust™ Security Solution into ADLINK’s Vortex Edge™ solution. The enhanced joint solution can quickly operationalize systems and things securely for every endpoint, application, container and datastream. The integration will ultimately provide customers with established and secure trusted identities across their IoT ecosystems from the discovery phase to full roll out of their IoT deployments.
The joint solution between ADLINK and Entrust will control the flow of data between applications, in the cloud and on the edge of IoT environments. The partnership will also enable secure communication for data streams at the edge – while at rest, in motion and in use – with an enhanced level of granularity not seen in other solutions. Furthermore, this level of specificity will allow customers to control, monitor and even monetize unique data streams. Together, ADLINK and Entrust help digital businesses remove the barriers of security, cost and complexity from IoT projects!
This joint solution will also be included as part of ADLINK’s Digital Experiments-as-a-Service (DXS), which has been designed to test and assess the effectiveness of an IoT solution design, strategy, organizational compatibility, and financial return.
To learn more about ADLINK Digital Experiments as-a-Service, visit https://www.adlinktech.com/Products/IoT_solutions/Vortex_Edge/DXS?lang=en
Solution Description
To learn more about Adlink Digital to enable trust at the edge by integrating Entrust's ioTrust™ Security Solution into ADLINK’s Vortex Edge™ solution.
United States
Entrust Ready Technology Partner Program
- PKI, Key & Certificate Management, IoT
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