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Install user confidence and trust

Entrust Code Signing Certificates authenticate a software publisher’s identity and verifies code integrity with a tamperproof seal for software downloads.

  • Increase user adoption
  • Maintain brand reputation
  • Protect your customers

Interested in Digital Signing as a Service?

Code Signing Certificates Features

signature icon

Microsoft Smartscreen Filter

Build a positive SmartScreen Application Reputation at twice the rate of unsigned applications.

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Third-Party Integrations

Integrate our code-signing certificates with most third-party development tools.

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Unlimited Signing

Identify document tampering with clear visual indicators.

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Verify when code is signed and determine whether the signature is valid.

authenticated user icon

Identified Publisher Status

Increase user confidence and trust and avoid “Unknown Publisher” security warnings.

certificate icon

Warning Box Reduction

Removes warning message pop-ups during the installation process.

Choose the signing solutions that are best for you.


Supports Windows kernel mode signing
Information displayed on certificate
Added identity assurance
Technical specification

Organization Validated

not applicable
EV verified in accordance with CA/Browser Forum requirements
Adobe Air
Microsoft Office
Microsoft VBA
Mozilla Objects

Extended Validation

Windows 7
Windows 8 and 8.1
Windows 10
Type of organization
EV verified in accordance with CA/Browser Forum requirements
Adobe Air
Microsoft Office
Microsoft VBA
Mozilla Objects

System Requirements

The private key must be stored on a FIPS 140-2 Level 2 or Common Criteria Level 4+ compliant device. Entrust provides tokens that are compliant with Common Criteria Level 5 alternatively an HSM device can be purchased separately.

Certificate Download Requirements:

  • Token Software: Provided by Entrust upon purchase
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 11
  • Microsoft Windows Operating System – version 7,8 and 10
  • Microsoft Windows Server Operating System – version 2008, 2012 and 2016

Entrust Token Requirements:

  • Token Software: Provided by Entrust upon purchase
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 10 and 11
  • Microsoft Windows Operating System: Versions 7, 8.1, or 10
  • Microsoft Windows Server Operating System: 2008 or 2012

Entrust Code Signing Certificate are x.509-based certificates anchored to a trusted root, allowing user to sign the following code:

  • Microsoft Authenticode
  • Microsoft Windows Kernel Drivers
  • Microsoft Marketplace Apps
  • Microsoft Office and VBA
  • Java Applets
  • Adobe Air
  • Apple1

HSM users signing capabilities are based on the HSM.

NOTE: All code signing certificates require an integrated development environment/software solution that enables application signing. For example, in order to sign Microsoft code, a free tool is required by Microsoft to enable signing (e.g., SignTool, VisualBasics, etc.)

1 Does not support all Apple applications. Please contact us for details.