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Founded in 2001 and headquartered in Kusnacht, Switzerland, totemo provides email encryption, secure managed file transfer and secure mobile communication solutions for organisations and institutions under the umbrella of totemomail®, totemodata® and totemomobile®. totemo helps businesses to ensure that all communications with partners and customers remains confidential, reliable and efficient – and most importantly, device and location independent. totemo’s patented and FIPS 140-2-validated security platform enables seamless and quick integration into any existing IT infrastructure, guaranteeing total control over all transferred data even after sending.

totemo’s email encryption solution totemomail® offers an interface to hardware security modules (HSMs) from Entrust which generate keys and perform key operations.

Facts and Figures on totemomail® Encryption Gateway

Solution Overview: totemomail® Encryption Gateway




Entrust Ready Technology Partner Program



  • TLS SSL, ADCs, Firewalls
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