Nutanix empowers enterprise customers to use cloud platforms in a simple, flexible, and cost-efficient manner, offering freedom of choice to enables true hybrid and multi-cloud computing. Nutanix delivers the performance, resilience, and scalability to power all workloads – virtualized, container-based, and bare metal – in customers’ clouds of your choice.
Solution Description
Nutanix Prism Central integrates with Entrust KeyControl to manage the storage of encryption keys using the Key Management Interoperability Protocol (KMIP) standard. For enhanced security, Prism Central can also integrate with Entrust nShield® hardware security modules (HSMs), establishing a FIPS and Common Criteria certified root of trust for the critical master keys protecting encrypted workloads.
Additionally, Entrust offers the Certificate Hub, a centralized certificate management platform that automates the discovery, monitoring, and renewal of digital certificates across various environments, enhancing operational efficiency and security compliance. Entrust's Certificate Enrollment Gateway simplifies the process of issuing and managing digital certificates, ensuring seamless integration and robust security for enterprise applications. Entrust's CA Gateway provides a flexible solution for integrating Entrust Certificate Authority (CA) services with various applications and systems, streamlining the process of certificate issuance and management while maintaining high security standards. Furthermore, Entrust's Validation Authority offers real-time certificate status checking to ensure that only valid certificates are used within your network, enhancing security by preventing the use of expired or revoked certificates. Finally, Entrust's Timestamping Authority ensures the integrity and authenticity of digital records by providing a trusted timestamp, which is crucial for legal and regulatory compliance.
Entrust Ready Technology Partner Program
- PKI, Key & Certificate Management, IoT
Solution Briefs
Our experts will contact you to discuss how our partnerships and solutions can meet your needs.