Aconite Technology Ltd.
Aconite works with card issuers and processors around the world to provide high performance, resilient, and scalable EMV and PIN solutions. Aconite products extend existing card management and authorization systems to provide full EMV functionality in an easily integrated package. Aconite PIN Manager provides PIN capture and distribution over digital channels and secure storage and generation.
Solution Description
Integrating with Entrust HSMs, all Aconite products are PCI compliant, and where applicable, PA-DSS certified. Clients include Fiserv - the leading U.S. card processor, Navy Federal Credit Union - the world’s largest, Nets - the leading Scandinavian processor, and Discovery Bank - South Africa’s newest challenger bank.
United Kingdom
Entrust Ready Technology Partner Program
- Banking Technology Providers
Our experts will contact you to discuss how our partnerships and solutions can meet your needs.