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Commerce Bank Teams with Entrust Datacard for Instant Issuance of EMV Payment Cards




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MINNEAPOLIS—(Mar. 15, 2016)—Entrust Datacard today announced that Commerce Bank, a subsidiary of Commerce Bancshares, Inc. and operator of hundreds of retail banking locations in the central United States, is utilizing its software and hardware solutions to instantly issue EMV smart card debit and prepaid cards to its customers in over 170 branch locations.

Preparing its card operations well in advance of the U.S. EMV liability shift deadline of Oct. 1, 2015, Commerce Bank—which is based out of Kansas City—looked to provide differentiated services, an added layer of security with smart card technology, and enhanced customer experiences by offering its customers the ability to receive an instantly issued EMV debit and prepaid card in branch – for both new cardholders and those needing a replacement card.  The branches have been fully operational with offering instant issuance of EMV cards since late last year.

“Commerce Bank is committed to providing our customers with best-in-class service and security of payment cards, and we wanted to ensure that we were well-prepared to begin offering our customers EMV cards as soon as possible,” said Angela Finn, vice president and manager of Debit and Prepaid Products at Commerce Bank.  “We have a very long-standing and valued partnership with Entrust Datacard and it was a natural progression to upgrade our services with them in order to offer our customers instantly issued EMV cards.   We very much appreciate their continued support and forward thinking innovations that allow us to provide our customers with unprecedented security and service.”

Commerce Bank first implemented Entrust Datacard’s financial instant issuance software and hardware in 2006.  The end-to-end solution includes the Datacard® CR500™ instant issuance system and flagship Datacard® CardWizard® instant issuance software.

“We very much value Commerce Bank’s longstanding partnership with us,” said Ray Wizbowski, vice president of the financial vertical for Entrust Datacard. “They were one of the earlier adopters of instant issuance as they very quickly realized the value it brought to them and their customers.  It only makes sense that they were one of the first to ensure that they offered instant issuance of EMV cards as well.  By offering in-branch instant issuance of EMV enabled prepaid and debit cards, Commerce Bank is providing their consumers with security and convenience, all while driving up their engagement rates, customer satisfaction and increasing their ROI.”

Entrust Datacard has a long history of successful implementations supporting over 300 EMV deployments, and over 25,000 instant issuance programs worldwide. In the U.S. alone, more than 3,400 financial branches have successfully rolled out EMV instant issuance; and over 5,400 branches or retail locations outside the U.S. are currently issuing chip cards – all utilizing Entrust Datacard® instant issuance solutions.

For more information about the Entrust Datacard instant issuance solutions, please visit

About Commerce Bank
Commerce Bank is a subsidiary of Commerce Bancshares, Inc. (NASDAQ: CBSH), a $24.6 billion regional bank holding company, as of December 31, 2015. For 150 years, Commerce Bank has been meeting the financial services needs of individuals and businesses. Commerce Bank provides a diversified line of financial services, including business and personal banking, wealth management, financial planning, and investments through its affiliated companies. Commerce Bank operates in more than 350 retail locations in the Central United States and has a nationwide presence in the commercial payments industry.  Commerce Bancshares also has operating subsidiaries involved in mortgage banking, leasing, credit-related insurance, private equity and real estate activities.

About Entrust Datacard
Consumers, citizens and employees increasingly expect anywhere-anytime experiences — whether they are making purchases, crossing borders, accessing e-gov services or logging onto corporate networks. Entrust Datacard offers the trusted identity and secure transaction technologies that make those experiences reliable and secure. Solutions range from the physical world of financial cards, passports and ID cards to the digital realm of authentication, certificates and secure communications. With more than 2,000 Entrust Datacard colleagues around the world, and a network of strong global partners, the company serves customers in 150 countries worldwide. For more information, visit
