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Key ceremony recognizes nCipher hardware security modules (HSMs) as critical for trust, compliance and digital signature authentication
nCipher Security, an Entrust Datacard company and provider of trust, integrity and control for business-critical information and applications, announces that its nShield® HSMs are being used by Eurafric Information (EAI), the IT subsidiary of BMCE Bank of Africa, to secure the digital certificates that enable device authentication for secure network access. The integration project was carried out by Oxyliom, an nCipher partner.
BMCE Bank of Africa operates over 1,500 commercial branches in Africa, Europe and Asia. As BMCE’s IT subsidiary, EAI offers computer services to BMCE Bank Group’s members. nCipher and its partner Oxyliom were recognized for their roles in facilitating the digital certificate technology for EAI during a key ceremony held in Casablanca. The ceremony publicly affirmed nCipher’s ability to help meet the requirements of the Direction Générale de la Sécurité des Systèmes d'Information (DGSSI), the Moroccan authority responsible for computer systems security, as well as international standards, such as eIDAS.
The nCipher HSMs also are used by EAI to facilitate secure digital signatures. Digital signatures use cryptographic techniques to dramatically increase security and transparency over electronic version of traditional signatures, which is critical for establishing trust and legal validity.
nCipher’s HSMs are hardened, tamper-resistant appliances that provide encryption, digital signing, and cryptographic key generation and protection. Over 1,000 organizations rely on nCipher HSMs to secure their applications and information, including 5 of the top 10 companies on the Fortune 500. Based in Morocco, Oxyliom is an nCipher partner specializing in advanced secure electronic identity solutions for Africa and the Middle East.
“Securing the certificate issuance process creates a high-assurance foundation for digital security, while enabling secure digital signing allows organizations to take full advantage of manual signature automation, including reduced costs and higher efficiency,” says Philip Schreiber, regional director, Middle East, Africa and South Asia at nCipher Security. “nCipher is honored that the IT subsidiary of one of the biggest banks in Morocco has placed its trust and confidence in nCipher Security.”