You don't need a reminder about the cybersecurity skills shortage - in summary, it's big and getting bigger. It's causing companies to look at alternatives to keeping all expertise in-house and is fueling the Managed Services and -as-a-Service market.
We hear from our customers, from analysts, and from the market in general: PKI is foundational, but it's hard to properly manage. This, combined with the skills shortage challenges, is why we're happy to be adding three new management services to our existing Managed Services portfolio:
- Managed Microsoft Certificate Authority (CA),
- Managed Root CA, and
- Cryptography-as-a-Service (CaaS).
Maybe you're already using a PKI or are using yours simply as a "certificate pump" that lacks the essential Policy procedural controls necessary to contain your cyber risks. Perhaps you are considering modernizing from a legacy PKI position, or looking to expand your use of digital certificates to secure more devices or modernize your use cases. In any case, PKI is more than just a piece of technology; to establish an appropriate level of trust for your growing needs, or compliance and regulatory requirements, you need robust policies and procedures on a platform built to best practices.
With our Managed Microsoft CA offering, you get expert help and all the benefits of our managed services, without the need to move away from the Microsoft PKI solution. Entrust Datacard's Managed Microsoft CA offering provides management by PKI experts of your Microsoft CA(s) in Azure with the root and hardware security modules (HSMs) in our certified hosting centers. Experienced, knowledgeable staff design and help you maintain the rules, policies and procedures essential for an effective PKI. Learn about the many ways we are working with Microsoft here >>.
The purpose of a PKI is to create, validate, enforce and maintain trust, all to ensure secure connections between people, systems and things. The root of all that trust lies in the Root CA (a component you need to manage for 20-30 years); it is the cornerstone of the PKI, and thus needs to be properly managed and operated at equal or higher assurance to everything it assigns its trust to. Entrust Datacard’s Managed Root CA offering provides a hosted high assurance offline Root CA, built to exacting standards and operated by our PKI experts in specialized root hosting environments. Experienced, knowledgeable staff maintain and operate the offering from established, secure and ISO 27001 certified facilities, which facilitates demonstration of compliance with industry standards and maintains that high assurance position continuously through its lifecycle.
Finally, our CaaS offering provides a secure solution for storing, managing, and using cryptographic keys via multi-tenant (HSMs). These are also managed by our crypto operations experts from our secure and ISO 27001 certified facilities, and enable you to demonstrate compliance with industry standards and control over your critical key materials. The Entrust Datacard model is designed to be straightforward and high performing, and to simplify the implementation of cryptographic services.
Cryptography and PKI expertise is rare, and it's expensive; at Entrust Datacard, we have the best and brightest PKI and crypto experts working 24x7 to meet your cyber security needs. Contact us today to learn more about these, and other ways in which we can help bring trusted identity to your infrastructure.