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Data Security and Encryption

Managing the lifecycle of keys, secrets, and certificates is critical for any IT security architecture and required to fulfill today’s risk and compliance reporting. Deliver real business value to your organization by reducing the compliance burden while streamlining your operations.


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Key and Secrets Lifecycle Management

Managing the complete lifecycle of keys and secrets is critical for comprehensive security. Keys and secrets underpin the security of cryptographic processes. 

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Compliance and Risk Management

Detailed inventory on how keys and secrets are used not only mitigates risks but also facilitates compliance.

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Hardware Root of Trust

With FIPS Level 3 hardware security modules (HSMs), available on premises or as a service, the Entrust Secure Data Solution enables organizations to implement and enforce best practices.

Key Features

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Generate, deliver, and distribute cryptographic keys to a range of supported applications through multiple standard interfaces including KMIP. Provides robust access control to keys and enables automated capabilities including key rotation and key expiration.

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Foundational element of the data protection pillar of the Zero Trust framework enables FIPS and Common Criteria certified high assurance secure cryptographic key generation and lifecycle management with dual-controls and separation of duties.

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Distributed key storage ensures that keys and data are kept within the geographical areas where they are supposed to be maintained to facilitate compliance with geofencing and data sovereignty regulations.

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Unified visibility across cryptographic assets regardless of the number of vaults deployed across the distributed environment.

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Enables the documentation of keys and secrets based on templates for continuous compliance assessment and risk reporting using built-in or custom policies.

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Going Beyond Traditional Key Management

Entrust Extended Key Management

Solution Brief: Securing Your Data

The Entrust centralized-decentralized security (CeDeSec) approach enables organizations to maintain full control of their data, ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of and controlled access to critical assets while facilitating compliance with security regulations.