VMC Logo Requirements:
Dimensions: Square aspect ratio
Must not include any external references, scripts, animation, or other interactive elements
- Must include a <title> element and reflect your company name
Must be vector-based only (Ai SVG,PDF or EPS), ie., no external or embedded bitmap / raster images allowed
The following namespace needs to be allowed at a minimum: svg: http://www.w3.org/2000/svg. We recommend that only the svg namespace should be added in the <svg> tag.
Example: <svg version="1.2" baseProfile="tiny-ps" viewBox="0 0 200 200" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <svg> -
Maximum file size: 32kb
Solid background
SVG Version: 1.2 with baseProfile as “tiny-ps"
Other Requirements :
SVG file with your trademark image
Adobe Illustrator
- SVG conversion tool to convert an SVG Tiny 1.2 file format to SVG Tiny PS
VMC is an emerging technology that enables you to authenticate your brand by displaying your registered logo alongside your outgoing emails. Recipients can see your brand logo, assuring them that it’s really from you, cultivating a more immersive email experience.
SVG trademark images used in Verified Mark Certificate (VMC) must be in SVG Tiny Portable/Secure (SVG Tiny PS). Follow the steps below to convert your SVG image to this format.
Step 1: Convert SVG trademark image to SVG 1.2 with square aspect ratio using Adobe Illustrator .
Step 2: Convert SVG trademark image to Tiny PS format.
Step 3:
Verify trademark image
Step 1: Convert SVG trademark image to SVG 1.2 with square aspect ratio using Adobe Illustrator.
Using Adobe Illustrator, you can convert your SVG 1.0 or 1.1 to SVG 1.2 format. To ensure that the trademark image has a square aspect ratio, the height/width of the SVG image (artboard in Illustrator) must be same. The following steps show how to achieve this in Illustrator.
1. Select " Edit Artboards " in the " Properties " tab
2. Enter same Width (W) and Height (H) for the artboard and press enter.
Note : The image should also be centered horizontally and vertically. A little whitespace is recommended so that circular/elliptical clipping doesn't clip the logo.
Saving the SVG image
After the logo is ready, the image must be saved as SVG format with SVG Tiny profile.
1. Select File > Save As
2. In the Save As dialog box, ensure that SVG is selected as the Save as type, and click Save
3. In the SVG Options dialog, in SVG Profiles, select SVG Tiny 1.2 and click OK
Step 2: Convert SVG trademark image to Tiny-PS format.
The BIMI group has released an SVG conversion tool that can convert SVG Tiny 1.2 file format to SVG Tiny PS. Download the tool from one of the links below.
Refer to: https://bimigroup.org/svg-conversion-tools-released/
Download for Windows 10: https://github.com/authindicators/svg-ps-converters/tree/master/gui-win10
Download for MacOS: https://github.com/authindicators/svg-ps-converters/tree/master/gui-macos
Steps to convert your trademark image using Windows PC
Unzip the downloaded file to extract the tool.
Load the logo to convert in the tool and specify the title of the client (should be your company name).
Click Generate SVG Tiny P/S . The generated file will be saved in the same directory as the original file.
Note : Ensure that the original and converted images look identical after conversion is complete.
Step 3: Verify trademark image using Mailkit BIMI inspector
Mailkit has an online tool to inspect SVG PS logo files. It's a good way to ensure the logo looks good in various icon shapes.
- Browse to: https://www.mailkit.com/resources/bimi-inspector .
- Enter your domain name
- Scroll to the bottom of the page to the Generate a new BIMI record section.
Select the converted file and click Browse File .
- Click Generate .
If the image was properly converted, you should see something like this:
If you have any questions or concerns please contact the Entrust Certificate Services Support department for further assistance:
Hours of Operation:
Sunday 8:00 PM ET to Friday 8:00 PM ET
North America (toll-free): 1-866-267-9297
Outside North America: 1-613-270-2680
: It is very important that international callers dial the UITF format exactly as indicated.
Do not dial an extra "1" before the "800" or your call will not be accepted as a UITF toll free call.