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Entrust Digital Card Solution launches new In-app Provisioning extension for Apple Pay




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Miriam Diffenhard

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Consumer demand for intuitive digital services has changed the way we approach everything, including banking. We are moving from a primarily in-person service model to an anytime, anywhere model where consumers can manage their accounts and cards on their own conveniently on their mobile banking app or online portal. This digital transformation is a journey that requires making decisions that not only provide consumers with the convenience and flexibility of self-service capabilities, but also time to value for the financial institution.

One digital tool gaining in popularity among consumers is digital wallets. In fact, the use of digital wallets made up 48.6% of 2021’s ecommerce transaction value. Banks that want to compete and satisfy consumer expectations must better support these popular digital wallets. Yet, as convenient as these apps are, the ability to enroll a payment card into the wallet can be frustrating if not fully supported properly. Currently, cardholders can either choose to enroll their card in Apple Pay manually or via a bank enabled push provisioning.  Manual entry of card details for wallet enrollment can be a time-consuming and complicated process. Push provisioning can be done right within the banking app with a click of a button; however, not all banks have enabled this process. To offer an additional enrollment option for cardholders, Apple Pay has now issued a mandate requiring participating banks to offer more simplified options for provisioning to their wallet.

In response to this mandate, Entrust has launched a new in-app provisioning extension to the Digital Card Solution, from within the Apple Pay app. Coupled with the in-app push provisioning feature Entrust already offers, banks are now enabled to offer two ways of automatically enrolling cardholder cards into Apple Pay:

  1. from the banking app
  2. from the Apple Pay app

How the Entrust Digital Card Solution in-app provisioning extension works

If a bank enables the Entrust Digital Card Solution in-app provisioning extension, the cardholder will follow the first steps of manual card entry in Apple Pay, but will benefit from a more seamless experience:

  1. Within the Apple Pay app, the cardholder will click on the “+ Icon” in the top right corner.
  2. On the “Add to Wallet” screen, they will select a section called “From Apps on Your iPhone”, with their bank.
  3. The cardholder will then authenticate to their banking app.
  4. From there, they then click on the card they want to enroll and will confirm enrollment.
  5. The cardholder will then accept the terms and conditions.

After this short process, their payment card is enrolled and ready to use.

With this new feature within the Apple Pay app, the cardholder does not have to manually enroll the card by entering sensitive information (like the card number and the PAN). Instead, the cardholder will see their bank card already proposed for enrollment. This occurs because Apple Pay will pull the information from all banking apps installed on the phone to show the cards eligible for provisioning into the wallet. Cardholders also benefit from full tokenization and security, thanks to the authentication process that has already taken place in the bank app.

Digital Card Solution iPhone graphic


The experience for the cardholder is like the in-banking app enrollment but is initiated directly in the Apple Pay wallet.

And the benefit to banks? It will allow banks to promote the enrollment to Apple Pay even further. The bank also gains additional visibility within the Apple Pay app. Ultimately, adding this enrollment option will lead to higher usage and help banks reach and/or maintain top of wallet status.

Existing Entrust Digital Card Solution customers can easily add the new in-app provisioning extension to their offering, as this feature can be enabled thanks to the already implemented Entrust SDK.

Existing customers can reach out to their account executive to learn more. Those who are interested in this new feature, and push provisioning to Apple Pay in general, can contact us here.

Miriam Diffenhard
Product Marketing Manager, Digital Card Solution
Miriam Diffenhard joined Entrust in October 2021 through the acquisition of Antelop Solutions and now serves as Product Marketing Manager for the Digital Card Solution. Miriam’s past work experience has been across many industries including automotive, software, insurance, cosmetics, and financial technology. Miriam, who is based in France, enjoys working on digital card solutions messaging, sharing its benefits with leaders across the financial industry to help them tackle digital transformation challenges and deepen their customer relationships.
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