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How to Do Digital Business Right




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Jacquelyn Painter

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We’ve all had the experience of sharing new technology with someone who doesn’t quite see the complete picture or understand the potential impact of the new capabilities. For instance, Tom Everyman, knows that if he doesn’t answer his phone when his dad calls, he’ll leave a message that says, “Hello, its Tom Everyman Sr. here, calling at 7:30 p.m. on Sunday, March 12.” In fact, we already know all of this information, because his mobile device let him know the exact date and time his dad originally called. Unfortunately for Tom’s dad, he probably isn’t using his mobile device to the best of his advantage. Not knowing the true value of your new tech gadget - such as a mobile device - also applies to the world of authentication. According IDC, in 2020, 72 percent of the world’s employees will leverage mobile devices to do their job. Furthermore, Gartner Research states that there will be more than 20B connected devices fueling IoT (Internet of Things) growth. We already see the impact and changes playing out with many of our customers and the momentum will continue. The advantages and challenges may be different across markets and business and it is crucial that you ask the right questions that can lead to a successful digital transformation. Many times, this means that you reconsider your security approach, as traditional models simply will not work. This will allow you to be a disruptor in your industry, while also considering the security foundation of your digital transformation. A successful digital business strategy requires security AND enablement. If you want to be bold, and offer innovative products, solutions and services, you need to make sure you start by mitigating risks. Establishing trust through digital identity and authentication with advanced capabilities will ensure that you provide a secure foundation for digital business success. And since analyst warn that up to 40 percent of all digital initiatives will fail due to mismanagement of identity-related requirements – we have outlined five fail-proof tactics you can do to increase your chances of digital success. #1: Involve your security teams from the beginning #2:  Look beyond current use cases #3: Plan for the evolving nature of threats #4: Build the concept of “context” into your identity approach #5: Heavily weigh vendor maturity and future looking architectures.
