The internet has enabled communication and collaboration across the world and brought with it a new computing model premised on continuous global connection. In that landscape, companies can distribute work and technology anywhere in the world. Given these opportunities, IBM is working with its clients to develop new business designs and technical architectures that allow their businesses the flexibility required to compete in this new landscape.
As a longstanding technology partner, IBM integrates many of its products with the Entrust family of data protection and security, credential and certificate management solutions to extend performance, and regulatory compliance facilitation.
Solution Description
Leading IBM solutions integrate with Entrust nShield® hardware security modules (HSMs) to safeguard and manage underpinning master keys with a FIPS 140-2 Level 3 and Common Criteria EAL4+ root of trust.
The IBM solutions that integrate with Entrust nShield HSMs include:
- IBM Global Security Kit (GSK)
- Java Security software development tools
- Security Verify Access web management solution
- Unified Key Orchestrator for IBM z/OS (previously named IBM Enterprise Key Management Foundation)
- Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager (GKLM)
Entrust nShield HSMs can be deployed on-premises or as a service. The IBM Blockchain platform and the HTTP Server, also integrates with Entrust nShield HSMs to generate and store critical private signing keys underpinning security.
IBM DB2 integrates with Entrust KeyControl and the Entrust nShield HSMs to manage keys using the Key Management Interoperability Protocol (KMIP).
IBM Cloud Hyper Protect Crypto Services integrate with Entrust KeyControl Vault for VM Encryption to provide a single-tenant FIPS certified key management service for VMware Regulated Workload, extending encryption to hybrid architectures.
The IBM Management as a Service (MaaS360) enterprise mobility management system integrates with Entrust mobile smart credential and certificate solutions to strengthen security with enhanced visibility and control over personal devices brought into enterprise environments. This Derived PIV credential compliant solution establishes secure remote access to US Federal Government and other networks and applications via certificate-based authentication.
United States
Entrust Ready Technology Partner Program
- Blockchain
- Encryption, Database Security
- Identity & Access Mgmt
- PKI, Key & Certificate Management, IoT
- TLS SSL, ADCs, Firewalls
Solution Briefs
Our experts will contact you to discuss how our partnerships and solutions can meet your needs.