Fornetix is an advanced encryption management software company created to address the unmet need of how to reverse the tide of eroding cybersecurity. Encryption is a powerful cybersecurity instrument, but to be effective it needs to be used at a granular level, which creates a very large number of encryption keys. Managing the keys through an accelerated lifecycle that supports the business processes of the enterprise becomes a challenging endeavor.
Solution Description
KMIP-compliant VaultCore Enterprise Key Management solutions can scale to hundreds of millions of keys, while reducing IT workload and enterprise costs. Integrating with Entrust nShield Solo and Connect hardware security modules (HSMs), they provide FIPS 140-2 and Common Criteria EAL 4+ certified security for the underpinning encryption keys and the security of the entire system.
United States
Entrust Ready Technology Partner Program
- PKI, Key & Certificate Management, IoT
Solution Briefs
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Data Sheets
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