
How to Sign a PDF document in Bluebeam Revu

User-added image

To sign the PDF document (Bluebeam Revu) follow the below steps:

1. Be sure that your token is plugged in to a USB port on your computer.

2. Open the PDF document in Bluebeam Revu.

3. Navigate to the Document tab and select Signatures > Sign Document.

User-added image

4. In your PDF, click and drag your mouse to create a signature field.

5. In the Sign dialog, select your Digital ID, fill in the Signature Type and Options fields, and edit the appearance of the signature if required.

User-added image

6. Click OK.

7. Bluebeam Revu automatically asks you to select a file name and location for the signed PDF. When you are finished click Save.

8. When asked, enter the password for your token to allow Revu to use the certificate.

9. The signature appears in the selected area of the document.

How it appears when signed with an Individual signature:

User-added image

How it appears when signed with a Group signature:

User-added image

If you have any questions or concerns please contact the Entrust Certificate Services Support department for further assistance:

Hours of Operation:

Sunday 8:00 PM ET to Friday 8:00 PM ET

北米(フリーダイヤル): 1-866-267-9297 

Outside North America: 1-613-270-2680 (or see the list below)

注意: It is very important that international callers dial the UITF format exactly as indicated. Do not dial an extra "1" before the "800" or your call will not be accepted as an UITF toll free call.

オーストラリア 0011 - 800-3687-7863
オーストリア 00 - 800-3687-7863
ベルギー 00 - 800-3687-7863
デンマーク 00 - 800-3687-7863
フィンランド 990 - 800-3687-7863 (Telecom Finland)
00 - 800-3687-7863 (Finnet)
フランス 00 - 800-3687-7863
ドイツ 00 - 800-3687-7863
香港 001 - 800-3687-7863 (Voice)
002 - 800-3687-7863 (Fax)
アイルランド 00 - 800-3687-7863
イスラエル 014 - 800-3687-7863
イタリア 00 - 800-3687-7863
日本 001 - 800-3687-7863 (KDD)
004 - 800-3687-7863 (ITJ)
0061 - 800-3687-7863 (IDC)
韓国 001 - 800-3687-7863 (Korea Telecom)
002 - 800-3687-7863 (Dacom)
マレーシア 00 - 800-3687-7863
オランダ 00 - 800-3687-7863
ニュージーランド 00 - 800-3687-7863
ノルウェー 00 - 800-3687-7863
シンガポール 001 - 800-3687-7863
スペイン 00 - 800-3687-7863
スウェーデン 00 - 800-3687-7863 (Telia)
00 - 800-3687-7863 (Tele2)
スイス 00 - 800-3687-7863
台湾 00 - 800-3687-7863
英国 00 - 800-3687-7863
0800 121 6078
+44 (0) 118 953 3088