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Artista CR805 - White edge on the bottom and right edges of card


There is a white edge on the bottom and right edges of card printing from the Artista CR805 or Artista CR805 CLM.

The latest version of XPS printer driver renders the smaller DTC image on larger retransfer canvas size causing the white edges to be printed on card. This version will support "ISO ID-1 (85.60 x 53.98 mm)" card size on Retransfer printer.

Legacy applications will be able to print edge to edge card on retransfer printer. User can also select existing card designs from applications like MS Word to print edge to edge on Retransfer printer.

XPS Driver Support

Retransfer printer will have both card sizes "ISO ID-1 (85.60 x 53.98 mm)" and "ISO ID-1 Retransfer" available to select from driver printing preferences. The "ISO ID-1 Retransfer" card will be the default page for retransfer printer.

User should select "ISO ID-1 (85.60 x 53.98 mm)" card size from driver printing preference to print edge to edge card from legacy applications.

XPS Card Printer Printing Preferences

When user selects "ISO ID-1 (85.60 x 53.98 mm)" card size and prints to Retransfer printer, the driver renders the image on DTC page size at 600 DPI and then moves the rendered image using the image origin settings to center the card.