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2025 Identity Fraud Report

Get real-world data and analysis on identity fraud threats such as GenAI, deepfakes, document fraud, synthetic identities, and fraud-as-a-service.
mujer fuera de un edificio en top rayado que mira el teléfono móvil

Banca que prioriza lo digital

This Entrust Cybersecurity Institute report discusses survey results of banking customers and their thoughts on the new wave of payment and identity technology.
mujer en el pasillo con dispositivo móvil rodeada de gente caminando

El futuro de la identidad

Future of Identity Report, a survey from the Entrust Cybersecurity Institute, looks into passwordless authentication, hybrid identities, biometrics, and more.
cliente en charcutería pagando con aplicación de teléfono

La gran disrupción de los pagos

Entrust surveyed consumers around the world to assess where the financial services industry stands in 2022. The results might surprise you.
personas en una sala de conferencias alrededor de una mesa

Proteger el nuevo lugar de trabajo híbrido

The hybrid workplace isn't going anywhere and there are many questions about how to ensure the security of identities, data, and physical access across a decentralized workplace. Our study uncovered the answers. Read the report.