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보라색 육각형 패턴

The Value of an Identity-Centric Security Approach

With the evolution of cloud adoption, machine identities, and remote workforces, gone are the days of traditional perimeter-based security. Identity is the new perimeter. As a result, organizations are seeking out best practices – such as Zero Trust – to help improve their security posture and protect sensitive assets.

From enhanced biometric identity verification to protecting critical infrastructure and securing data, Entrust uniquely helps organizations establish a strong and resilient security practice with a comprehensive portfolio of identity-centric security solutions.

Identity-Centric Security graphic

출처: Frost & Sullivan
Note: PQ - Post-quantum, CA - Cryptography assessment, HSM - Hardware security modules, VMC - Verified ark certificates, PKI - Public key infrastructure, OV - Organization validation, EV - Extended Validation

Gartner Magic Quadrant 그래픽

액세스 관리 부문에서 2년 연속 챌린저로 선정된 Entrust

Gartner는 Entrust를 2024 Gartner® Magic QuadrantTM에서 액세스 관리 부문 챌린저로 선정했습니다. Entrust는 비전의 실행력과 완성도 측면에서 인정받았습니다.

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