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관련 제품

Datacard MX2100 제품 이미지
증명발급 시스템

Datacard® MX2100™ Card Issuance System

MX2100 card issuance system is the most affordable high-volume solution offering true field modularity which allows you to integrate new capabilities as needed.
Datacard MX1100 제품 이미지
증명발급 시스템

Datacard® MX1100™ Card Issuance System

MX1100 card issuance system offers financial institutions, governments and other organizations an affordable first step into centralized card issuance.
증명발급 시스템

Adaptive Issuance Chip Interface

Adaptive Issuance Chip Interface software allows for the management of personalization smart card applications on a central server.
증명발급 시스템

Adaptive Issuance Data Access

Adaptive Issuance Data Access software allows users to execute custom applications to access, audit and act on the production data of a central issuance system.
증명발급 시스템

Adaptive Issuance Job Enable

Adaptive Issuance Job Enable software automates daily tasks, efficiently reduce operator intervention and streamline operations in your issuance environment.
증명발급 시스템

Dynamic EMV Solution

Dynamic EMV Solution is Entrust’s next generation software for EMV data preparation and personalization for central card issuance.
증명발급 시스템

Adaptive Issuance MULTOS Data Prep and Perso

Adaptive Issuance MULTOS Data Prep and Perso software enables seamless migration from magnetic stripe to EMV for MULTOS cards. Learn more!