Digital business is here, with the proliferation of new tools and processes such as DevOps, Cloud, hybrid cloud, multi-cloud, and Internet of Things accelerating digital transformation across the enterprise.
Digital business requires trust in the data, and cryptography makes that possible. That is why Entrust launched the first of its kind Cryptographic Center of Excellence (CryptoCoE) solution set. We invited David Mahdi, Gartner Senior Research Director in IT Leaders Systems, Security and Risk, to deliver the keynote address at our launch event. It was research by David Mahdi and Brian Lowans that put a CryptoCoE on our roadmap, with a focus on serving security, compliance, and risk professionals with the expertise, tools, and best practices required for establishing a CryptoCoE in their enterprises. Here are some key takeaways from Mahdi’s keynote address:
- Cryptography is Critical Infrastructure Everything is run on digital, whether a major bank’s mobile app, or manufacturer’s new connected smart device. For this to work, there must be identity and digital trust across people, applications and things, and the relationship between them. You can instill digital trust using cryptography to authenticate users, secure transactions, and prevent bad actors from unauthorized access.“Cryptography is critical Infrastructure,” Mahdi said. “Crypto sits at the heart and center of digital identity, providing the trust in data that is required for digital business.”
- Visibility to Cryptographical Dependencies is Vast and Complex
Mahdi puts cryptography at the heart of digital identity. “Cryptography is no longer an esoteric discipline relegated to the back room,” said Mahdi citing several digital business applications that require cryptographic instances such as protecting customer and prospect data on marketing’s new data analytics tool; encrypting company data from multiple business segments and departments on virtual servers; or providing the foundation for FIDO or passwordless technologies.The challenge is that gaining visibility into all of these instances can be hard. Enterprises need visibility and process as a baseline in order to get a handle on the vast number of cryptographical instances that exist within the enterprise.
- A CryptoCoE is a Must Have for Businesses
A new approach is needed for creating governance and gaining visibility in order to successfully manage cryptographical instances - a challenge even for mature organizations. But for digital business to be trusted, it must be brought under control. Growing cyber threats, evolving regulations and laws across jurisdictions, and multiplying use cases place extra demand on the need for a CryptoCoE.Mahdi says that the pursuit of a managed approach to cryptography is an ongoing journey. “I congratulate Entrust for launching a CryptoCoE and productizing this service to help clients tackle these issues. Now is the time to start planning.”
Digital business requires digital trust, and digital trust requires cryptography. Cryptography requires specialized skills, process and structure. This is why businesses need a CryptoCoE.
Learn more about the Entrust Cryptographic Center of Excellence here: entrust.com/go/NewCryptoCoE