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lila Hexagonmuster

The Value of an Identity-Centric Security Approach

With the evolution of cloud adoption, machine identities, and remote workforces, gone are the days of traditional perimeter-based security. Identity is the new perimeter. As a result, organizations are seeking out best practices – such as Zero Trust – to help improve their security posture and protect sensitive assets.

From enhanced biometric identity verification to protecting critical infrastructure and securing data, Entrust uniquely helps organizations establish a strong and resilient security practice with a comprehensive portfolio of identity-centric security solutions.

Identity-Centric Security graphic

Quelle: Frost & Sullivan
Note: PQ - Post-quantum, CA - Cryptography assessment, HSM - Hardware security modules, VMC - Verified ark certificates, PKI - Public key infrastructure, OV - Organization validation, EV - Extended Validation

Gartner magic quadrant graphic

Entrust Named a Challenger in Access Management for a Second Consecutive Year

Gartner has recognized Entrust a Challenger in the 2024 Gartner® Magic QuadrantTM for Access Management. Wir wurden für unsere Umsetzungsfähigkeit und die Vollständigkeit unserer Vision anerkannt.

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See how your organization’s security posture stacks up against best practices and Zero Trust recommendations.

Unser Einfluss

Arbeitnehmer- und Verbraucheridentitäten werden von Entrust geschützt.

of our customers say they’d recommend Entrust Identity to others.

Jahre Erfahrung im Bereich der digitalen Identität und mehr als 50 Jahre Innovation im Bereich Sicherheit.

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