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78 Results

Austrian Trust Authority Provides Fast, Simple eIDAS Digital Signature Security (Korean)

A-Trust is a qualified trusted service provider based in Austria that issues digital certificates for the country's citizens and economy to use in a variety of electronic transactions.

Case Studies

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| Mar 11, 2021

Morocco's Bank of Africa BMCE Group accelerates digital banking and meets eIDAS requirements with Entrust nShield HSMs (Korean)

Bank of Africa operates over 1500 commercial branches in Africa, Europe and Asia. Bank of Africa BMCE Group is majority-owned by Bank of Africa and is the second largest private bank in Morocco. BMCE...

Case Studies

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| Mar 11, 2021

Certicamara Verifies the Accuracy of Electronic Records with Time Stamps (Korean)

Using Entrust solutions, Certicamara helps the Colombian government prevent fraud and corruption with auditable digital time stamps. Established in 2004, Certicamara provides secure online transaction...

Case Studies

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| Mar 11, 2021

nShield 웹서비스 옵션팩(WSOP) (Korean)

nShield 웹서비스 옵션팩(Web Services Option Pack, WSOP)은 암호화 키와 데이터 보안 서비스, FIPS 인증 nShield 하드웨어 보안 모듈(HSM) 이 필요한 애플리케이션 간에 REST 형태의1 API 를 제공합니다.

Data Sheets

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| Jan 06, 2021

고도의 보안 자격증명 기반 패스워드리스 솔루션

Entrust의 고보안 자격증명 기반 패스워드리스 솔루션은 직원 ID를 안전하게 관리하고 기업 자산을 보호하며 파일 암호화, 이메일 암호화, 문서 서명 등을 지원합니다. 또한 X.509, PIV, PIV-D 및 FIDO2를 준수하며, 인증기관(CA)이 내장되어 있어 디지털 인증서 발급을 위한 추가 설정이 필요하지 않습니다.

Data Sheets

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| Jan 09, 2023

DATACARDⓇ CR500™ 즉시 발급 시스템 (Korean)

Datacard® CR500™즉시 발급 시스템은 백색 재고공카드를 즉시 사용할 수 있는맞춤형 신용/직불/ATM 카드로바꿔줍니다. 금융카드 즉시발급은 고객의 기다리는 시간을최소화하고, 비용을 절감하며,카드 도난 및 분실의 위험을줄여줍니다. 또한 카드를발급받은 고객에게 즉각적인구매력을 제공하여, 매출을즉시 창출할 수 있습니다

Data Sheets

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Fast, simple and secure e-invoicing: Digital Planet relies on Entrust to protect its e-invoicing service (Korean)

Digital Planet Technology, headquartered in Turkey, is a pioneer in e-invoicing integration systems, digital transformation and customer communication management services to large enterprises as well...

Case Studies

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| Mar 11, 2021

Fastcom increases code signing efficiency while maintaining high levels of security (Korean)

The Challenge: A Better Set-top Box To Help Foxtel Maintain Its Competitive Edge The pay TV marketplace is highly competitive, with consumers regularly demanding access to new content offerings. Even...

Case Studies

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| Mar 11, 2021

Follett protects customer data and complies with PCI DSS with Entrust (Korean)

The Follett Higher Education Group uses Entrust products and services to protect credit card data from breaches and comply with PCI DSS.

Case Studies

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| Mar 11, 2021

Fortune 500 Utility Sets Up High Availability Public Key Infrastructure In A Geographically Distributed Environment (Korean)

How Entrust expertise and high assurance Hardware Security Modules (HSMs) helped one of the nation's largest utilities provide strong security while simultaneously enabling new customer services....

Case Studies

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| Mar 11, 2021