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what are vaccine credentials illustration

What are vaccine credentials?

With fake paper-based COVID test results and vaccination records readily available for sale, it's clear a new secure digital alternative is needed. Global governments, organizations, and companies across sectors are working toward the creation of interoperable immunity credentials for test results and vaccinations, including vaccine passports. The objective of these credentials is to provide citizens with trusted, verifiable records that they've been tested or vaccinated for COVID-19 and other communicable diseases.

Building trust with vaccine credentials

With Entrust, governments and companies can create, deploy, and support vaccine credential and passport programs that are built on trust, enabled by digital and physical issuance systems, and backed by digital signing, encryption, and authentication technologies. 

Our physical credential solutions include national IDs, Driver Licenses, and E-Passports for governments, as well as EMV payment cards for financial institutions. Our digital solutions for government include eID, digital travel credentials (DTC) and mobile driver licensing.

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airport travel illustration

Adapting to the new normal

To return to normal, the travel industry will likely require immunity credentials from patrons, and there are industry-led initiatives, including IATA’s Travel Pass, which is already being deployed by some airlines. 

Governments are also investigating the feasibility of vaccine passports for citizens and travelers crossing their borders. Entrust offers digital identity verification and on-boarding capabilities coupled with proven trust and interoperability.

QR codes: simple and secure

Each credential should include means of securely binding the individual's identity, such as a digitally signed QR code (which contains critical information on the citizen and their vaccination/test record), the vaccine/test they received, and when and where they were vaccinated/tested. 

With the QR code and its embedded digital signature presented on all physical card-, paper- and mobile device-based vaccine/test certificates, Entrust ensures that the credential is verifiable, aligned, and interoperable with global initiatives for vaccine/test credentials and vaccine passports, and the World Health Organization (WHO).

vaccine QR code illustration

How it works


Patient receives the vaccine

When a patient receives the vaccine or test, the verified healthcare provider updates the patient's health record and issues a certificate to the patient with one of our secure issuance methods.

patient receives vaccine illustration


In-clinic issuance

With our instant issuance systems, clinics can create and issue physical cards, printouts, or mobile identities to their patients. These credentials include QR codes to view digitally signed vaccination records.

in-clinic issuance illustration


Post-clinic issuance

Our central issuance and card delivery systems enable secure, high-volume issuance and mail delivery of physical cards, in addition to digital issuance of vaccine credentials via digitally signed documents and secure digital identities. Entrust also provides EMV and touchless card technologies for added security.

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Using the credentials

People can use their verified vaccine credentials to travel, return to work or school, attend events, and patronize businesses in compliance with public and private requirements.

using the credentials illustration
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