This technote resolves for the BEA Weblogic startup error of "Inconsistent security configuration, java.lang.Exception: Cannot read private key from file"
There is a video for this solution. The Apache server will require the following two files: 1 - Server.key : the private key associated with the certificate 2 - Server.crt : the public SSL certificate...
What to do when you encounter "Connection Error: Engine was not loaded,; You have not chosen to trust "Entrust Root Certificateion Authority", the issuer of the server's security c...
If you are getting this error message when you run the Enable-ExchangeCertificate command in Exchange 2007, this means that Windows is having problems finding the private key associated with your cert...
Issue : Windows SmartScreen shows untrusted warning for Authenticode or Kernel Driver signed with SHA-1 Code Signing certificate. Background: On January 11th 2016, Microsoft released a new security pa...
How to register a new domain and perform an automatic Web Server Validation in you ECS Enterprise account A. Registration of the new addition domain to your Entrust Certificate Portal 1. Login to your...
Purpose: SSL/TLS Certificate Installation Guide For Microsoft IIS 5 or 6 The installation is in two parts: 1) Importing CA certificate using Microsoft Management Console (MMC) 2) Installing the certif...
Purpose: SSL/TLS certificate installation guide For Microsoft Exchange 2013 Need Certificate Signing Request (CSR) help? Please see our technote on how to generate a CSR in Microsoft Exchange 2013 her...