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SSL/TLS Certificate Installation Guide: Microsoft Exchange Server 2016

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Purpose: SSL/TLS certificate installation guide

For Microsoft Exchange 2016

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Need Certificate Signing Request (CSR) help? Please see our technote on how to generate a CSR in Microsoft Exchange 2016 here .

As of November 12, 2024, Entrust introduced a new TLS certificate hierarchy as part of the deployment. The TLS certificate delivery now includes two certificate chains. The delivery of these certificate chains can be in the form of:

  • Individual files. Intermediate 1 (filename: intermediate1.crt ) and Intermediate 2 (filename: intermediate2.crt ) or
  • Concatenate PEM file (filename: CertificateBundle1.pem ) or
  • P7B format file (filename: Certificatebundle.p7b )

Both intermediate/chain certificates must be installed in your environment.

The installation is in three parts:

1) Importing CA certificate using Microsoft Management Console (MMC)

2) Installing the certificate on the server

3) Assign Exchange services to the certificate

Part 1 of 3: Importing CA certificate using Microsoft Management Console (MMC)

1. Click the Download button in the pickup wizard to download your certificate files. Clicking the download button will produce a zip file that includes your Server Certificate, the Entrust chain/intermediate certificates(s) and the Entrust Root certificate. Extract the files from the zip file.

2. On the server, go to Start > Run > type MMC and hit enter.

3. Click File > Add Remove Snap-in.

4. Select Certificates and click Add.

5. Select Local Computer and click Finish.

6. Click Close.

7. Expand Certificates on the left hand side of the console window.

8. Expand the Trusted Root Certification Authorities folder and click on the Certificates sub-folder.

9. Right click on the Certificates sub-folder under Trusted Root Certification Authorities and select All Tasks > Import.

10. In the import wizard, browse to the Root.crt file downloaded in step 1 and complete the wizard.

11. In the MMC console, expand the Intermediate Certification Authorities folder. Right click on the Certificates sub-folder and select All Tasks > Import .

12. In the import wizard, browse to the Intermediate.crt file downloaded in step 1 and complete the wizard to complete the certificate chain setup process. You should see your Entrust Intermediate certificates listed in the Intermediate Certification Authorities folder. You are now ready to install your signed server certificate.

NOTE: As of November 12, 2024, the intermediate certificate came with two files: intermediate1.crt and intermediate2.crt. These intermediate/chain certificates must be imported into your server/appliance.

Part 2 of 3: Installing the certificate on the server

1. In a web browser, enter the address for your Exchange Admin Center application (https://localhost/ecp) and login with your Exchange Admin credentials.

2. In the left menu, click on Servers and select the correct server name from the drop down.  Click on Certificates .

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3. There should be a Pending request in the certificate list that was generated when you created your CSR and submitted your request to Entrust.  Select the Pending request and click Complete.

4.  Enter the path to the ServerCertificate.crt file you download in step 1. For example, you may place your Server Certificate File in a file share with a location of \\CASEXCH2K13\share\ServerCertificate.crt . Click OK to complete the import process.

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5. Notice that after you complete the pending request, your Certificate Status should change to Valid .

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Part 3 of 3: Assign Exchange services to the certificate

1. Now that the certificate is imported and shows as valid, you must assign your Exchange services.  Double click on the new certificate that appears in the list. In the popup window, click on the Services link on the left side. Check off the services you wish to Enable. In most cases, IIS (Outlook Web Access, Active Sync) and SMTP are selected.  Click Save.

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2. A warning screen will appear asking you if you want to overwrite the existing/default SMTP certificate. Clicking Yes will assign your new certificate to the service and completes the installation process.

User-added image Your SSL/TLS certificate should now be installed.

Check that your Certificate has been successfully installed by testing it on the Entrust SSL Install Checker .

If you have any questions or concerns please contact the Entrust Certificate Services Support department for further assistance:

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