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How do I create a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) from Microsoft Exchange Server 2016 ?

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Certificate Signing Request (CSR) Help
For Microsoft Exchange Server 2016

Complete the following steps to create your CSR.

1. Launch your Internet Browser and type the address for your Exchange Admin Center. The default address should be https://<your  CAS server name> /ecp

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2. Login to your Exchange Admin Center.

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3. On the left panel, click on Servers and select your server name on the drop down list under Select Server in the middle panel then click on the Certificates menu on the top of the screen.

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4. Click on the plus sign ( + ) to generate a new CSR. Select Create a request for a certificate from a certification authority .

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5. For the friendly name, you can put whatever you need as identification for this certificate's purpose (It will not show up on the certificate).

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6. On the screen below, type your friendly name for the certificate.

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On the screen below, if you are not creating a CSR for a wildcard certificate you may leave this option unchecked, and then click on Next button.

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7. On this screen select to which server you wish to save the CSR file. Click Browse and select the proper Server.

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8. On this screen, you will be presented the services that run on this server with the domain name associated with the services.

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9. OPTIONAL: If you want to make a change on the particular domain name, click on the service that listed inside the box.

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10. On this screen, provide the information in regards to your organization.

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11. On this screen, you are required to provide a shared folder address where the CSR file must be saved. Please note, you must create one if it does not exist yet. The folder must have read and write access privileges. Please consult with your network support team inside your organization in order to determine the proper rights and location for this particular share folder.

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12. After the CSR is successfully generated, a pending request will appear on your Exchange server.

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13. Go to your designated shared folder and the CSR file should be there. If not, then you need to contact your network admin to point you to the correct location of the shared folder.

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14. Open the CSR file with notepad. A properly configured CSR will have tag line of BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST and END CERTIFICATE REQUEST like the sample below:

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If you have any questions or concerns please contact the Entrust Certificate Services Support department for further assistance:

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