Print ribbon problem. The print ribbon is not moving properly. 1. Open the printer and remove the ribbon cartridge. 2. Reposition, repair, or replace the ribbon and advance the repaired area one full turn. 3. Replace the ribbon cartridge and close the printer.
Magstripe read data error. The printer failed to read the magnetic stripe data from the card. The card will be canceled. 1. Make sure that you are using magnetic stripe cards that match the printer settings. 2. Make sure that the cards are placed in the printer correctly.
C2 heater error. The C2 retransfer heater has encountered a critical error. The card will be canceled. 1. Press the printer Power button to power off the system. 2. Request service. The system must remain powered off.
K2 transport card jam. The card did not reach the required position on the K2 vertical transport. The card will be canceled. 1. Press the User button to move the card into the reject tray and clear the error. 2. If the error occurs again, open the printer access door. 3. Press the K3 rear access door release to open the rear access door. 4. Turn the K2 manual advance knob counterclockwise to move the card until it is accessible. 5. Remove the card through the rear access door. 6. Close the printer access doors.
Card lost. A card that is expected to be in the printer is no longer present. The card will be canceled and added to the Lost Cards count. Send the job to print again.
Printer problem. The printer had an error. The card will be canceled. 1. Press the printer Power button to power off the printer. 2. Press the Power button again to power on the printer.
C2 waiting for roller temp. This message does not display. The LCD displays the quot;Warming up xx%quot; message. The printer is waiting for the retransfer heated roller to reach its operating temperature.