Magstripe data not found. The printer did not find magnetic stripe data on card. 1. Make sure that you are using magnetic stripe cards that match the printer settings. 2. Make sure that the cards are placed in the printer correctly.
Magstripe read data error. The printer failed to read the magnetic stripe data from the card. The card will be canceled. 1. Make sure that you are using magnetic stripe cards that match the printer settings. 2. Make sure that the cards are placed in the printer correctly.
Insert new card side 1 up. 1. Insert a new card in the printer with side 1 facing up. 2. If the card is not immediately picked, press the printers User button or click OK.
Card not in position. The card is not positioned in the printer correctly. 1. Open the printer and remove the ribbon cartridge. 2. Turn the knob to remove the card. 3. Replace the ribbon cartridge and close the printer.
Critical problem. The printer had a serious error. The card will be canceled. Press the printer Power button to power off the printer.Request service. The system must remain powered off.
Laminator system mismatch. The printer and laminator are not compatible. The laminator is not supported by your printer model. Contact your service provider for the correct laminator model.
Configuration error. The configuration is not compatible with the printer model. The printer cannot print cards until the configuration issue is corrected. Contact your service provider for assistance.
Critical problem. The printer had a serious error. The card will be canceled. Press the printer Power button to power off the printer. The system must remain powered off.Request service.
Firmware version mismatch. The printer and attached component firmware versions are not compatible. The system cannot process cards until the firmware has been updated. Update both the printer and component to the latest firmware versions.
Retransfer debow error. The printer has encountered an error in the retransfer debow area. The card will be canceled. Press the User button to move the card into the reject tray and clear the error.If the error occurs again, open the printer access door and look for a card in the debow area.Turn the K1 manual advance knob to move the card out of the printer.If the problem occurs again, request service.