Known affected versions:
Entrust Discovery Agent v2.6
Issue description:
Upon the Discovery install, the login page will not load.
While trying to start the Agent from the Services utility, the error message below is displayed:
Error: "Windows could not start Entrust Datacard Discovery Agent on local computer"
This could be a Windows security permission issue.
If the Discovery Agent is installed under C:\ Program Files (x86) directory, it does not have necessary permission, it might no longer have the necessary permissions after Microsoft Windows security upgrades.
There are two solutions:
- Install it to a location other than C:\Program Files (x86) . For example, install it at C:\Entrust\Discovery-Agent
- Manually modified the Discovery-Agent installed directory permission.
- Select the Entrust directory and right click it, from the popup window, select the “Properties” item, then select the “Security” tab
- Highlight the Users group as in the following screen capture.
c. Then click the “Edit…” button
d. Select the Full control box and click “Apply” button.
Restart the Discovery Agent service.