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Entrust SSL/TLS Certificate Installation Instructions - Microsoft IIS8


Installation guide for Microsoft IIS8 server.

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Purpose: SSL/TLS Certificate Installation Guide
For Microsoft IIS8
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Need Certificate Signing Request (CSR) help? Please see our technote on how to generate a CSR in IIS 8/8.5 here .

As of November 12, 2024, Entrust introduced a new TLS certificate hierarchy as part of the deployment. The TLS certificate delivery now includes two certificate chains. The delivery of these certificate chains can be in the form of:

  • Individual files. Intermediate 1 (filename: intermediate1.crt ) and Intermediate 2 (filename: intermediate2.crt ) or
  • Concatenate PEM file (filename: CertificateBundle1.pem ) or
  • P7B format file (filename: Certificatebundle.p7b )

Both intermediate/chain certificates must be installed in your environment.

There's a video for this guide. Watch the video here .

The installation is in three parts:
1) Importing CA certificate using Microsoft Management Console (MMC)
2) Installing the certificate on the server
3) Bind Certificate to website

Part 1 of 3: Importing CA certificate using Microsoft Management Console (MMC)

1. Click the Download button in the pickup wizard to download your certificate files. Clicking the download button will produce a zip file that includes your Server Certificate, the Entrust chain/intermediate certificates(s) and the Entrust Root certificate. Extract the files from the zip file.

2. On the server, go to Start > Run > type MMC and hit enter.

3. Click File > Add Remove Snap-in.


4. Select Certificates and click Add.

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5. Select Computer Account, click Next, and click Finish.

6. Click OK to close the window.

7. Expand Certificates on the left hand side of the console window.

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8. Expand the Trusted Root Certification Authorities folder and click on the Certificates sub-folder.

9. Right click on the Certificates sub-folder under Trusted Root Certification Authorities and select All Tasks > Import.

10. In the import wizard, browse to the Root.crt file downloaded in step 1 and complete the wizard.

11. In the MMC console, expand the Intermediate Certification Authorities folder. Right click on the Certificates sub-folder and select All Tasks > Import.

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12. In the import wizard, browse to the Intermediate.crt file downloaded in step 1 and complete the wizard to complete the certificate chain setup process. You should see your Entrust Intermediate certificates listed in the Intermediate Certification Authorities folder. You are now ready to install your signed server certificate.
NOTE: As of November 12, 2024, the intermediate certificate came with two files: intermediate1.crt and intermediate2.crt. These intermediate/chain certificates must be imported into your server/appliance.

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Part 2 of 3: Installing the certificate on the server

1. Launch the Server Manager
- From within the Server Manager at the top right corner Select: Tools | Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager

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2. From the left hand side under " Connections" select the workstations name
- Once the name is selected, look to the center of the screen and locate "Server Certificates". O nce selected double click.

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3. Once in the "Server Certificates" to the upper right hand side under "Actions" select : Complete Certificate Request.

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4. You will now need to provide the information listed in the screenshot below:

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- File name containing the certification authority's response: Provide the path to the Server certificate downloaded from, the default name of the Server certificate file name is "ServerCertificate.crt"
- PLEASE NOTE: You may need to change the file type view setting at the lower right corner of the browser window to be able to see the ServerCertificate.crt (or other files types besides .crt)

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- Friendly Name: The friendly name is not linked to the certificate download from, it is used as an identifier after the certificate is installed. You should provide a unique Friendly Name so that you can easily identify what the certificate is used for.

- Select a certificate store for the new certificate: leave the selection set to Personal

Once you have provided the above information select: OK

The certificate is now installed

Part 3 of 3: Bind Certificate to website

1. From the left hand side of the IIS Manager, under Connections
- Expand the Server Name
- Now expand the Sites folder and select the site you wish to bind the certificate to
- From the right hand side under Actions, Select: Bindings...

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2. From the Site Bindings menu Selec t: Add

3. From the Add Site Binding , change the settings listed below:

- T ype: HTTPS
- SSL Certi f icate: Select the friendly name of the certificate you wish to bind to the site, you can verify that you have selected the correct certificate by clicking on V iew...
- Once you have configured the settings Select: OK

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4. Now that the bindings has been updated you need to restart the web site
- From the right hand side under Actions | Manage Website
- Select:

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User-added image Your SSL/TLS certificate should now be installed.

Check that your Certificate has been successfully installed by testing it on the Entrust SSL Install Checker .

If you have any questions or concerns please contact the Entrust Certificate Services Support department for further assistance:

Hours of Operation:
Sunday 8:00 PM ET to Friday 8:00 PM ET
North America (toll free): 1-866-267-9297
Outside North America: 1-613-270-2680 (or see the list below)
NOTE: It is very important that international callers dial the UITF format exactly as indicated. Do not dial an extra "1" before the "800" or your call will not be accepted as an UITF toll free call.




0011 - 800-3687-7863



00 - 800-3687-7863


00 - 800-3687-7863


00 - 800-3687-7863


990 - 800-3687-7863 (Telecom Finland)
00 - 800-3687-7863 (Finnet)


00 - 800-3687-7863


00 - 800-3687-7863

Hong Kong

001 - 800-3687-7863 (Voice)
002 - 800-3687-7863 (Fax)


00 - 800-3687-7863


014 - 800-3687-7863


00 - 800-3687-7863


001 - 800-3687-7863 (KDD)
004 - 800-3687-7863 (ITJ)
0061 - 800-3687-7863 (IDC)


001 - 800-3687-7863 (Korea Telecom)
002 - 800-3687-7863 (Dacom)


00 - 800-3687-7863


00 - 800-3687-7863

New Zealand

00 - 800-3687-7863



00 - 800-3687-7863


001 - 800-3687-7863


00 - 800-3687-7863


00 - 800-3687-7863 (Telia)
00 - 800-3687-7863 (Tele2)


00 - 800-3687-7863


00 - 800-3687-7863

United Kingdom

00 - 800-3687-7863
0800 121 6078
+44 (0) 118 953 3088