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Printer Manager D3.18.1 Printer Setting - Behavior Tab r2


Printer Manager D3.18.1 Printer Setting with SDO Notes - Behavior Tab

1) ActivityLogExternal Enabled Enables logging to a different computer. Requires separate 3rd party software to monitor the port and log output from printer.
2) ActivityLogInternal Enabled Can be turned off for security but if done we cannot help with much of anything beyond basic troubleshooting.
3) AutoPPS Enabled Enable or disable the automatic PPS negotiation done by the Duali reader to communicate with the chip at higher baud rates.
4) CloudEnable Disabled Enable or disable printer cloud service support. To allow cloud operation, select Enabled and enter a value in Communication/CloudInitialEnrollURI.
5) ContactAutoDetect Disabled Sets the Duali reader to automatically detect the correct communication protocol with a contact smartcard (T0 or T1).
6) ContactlessATRMode Legacy Select the default ATR mode for the contactless smart card reader, or select AppSpecifies to allow a smart card application to control the mode.
7) CPX Enabled Enables CPX (#DCC# commands) for compatibility with Legacy Products.
8) DataStorageSecure Disabled Encrypts the entire SD Card. Takes time to do and must be reversed (which also takes time) to revert to earlier versions.
9) DoorCloseLockTimeout 5 Number of seconds after all doors are closed before the printer is locked.
10) DPCL Enabled Port 9100
11) DPCL2 Enabled Port 9100
12) DPCL2Secure Enabled Port 9111
13) DPCLSecure Enabled Port 9111
14) DPM Enabled Port 19100
15) DPMSecure Enabled Port 19111
16) Plugin Enabled Open Card Enabled. Asterisk must be showing on front display to be in Open Card Mode.
17) RedefaultTrailTrimDone False Used to track defaulting of trail trim when upgrading to firmware that supports new ribbons.
18) RejectCardLocation Automatic Where to send reject cards on non-secure printers.
19) Remake Enabled Autocreated setting to control option Remake
20) RetrieveDataTimeout 120 Number of seconds to wait before timing out a RetrieveData request.
21) RibbonInitialize Enabled Enable or disable initialization of the ribbon at power on.
22) SmartcardDefaultShareMode Direct Direct is best in most situations
23) SmartcardForceProtocol Disabled Set to T0 for Multos cards.
24) SmartcardPostConnectDelay 400
25) SmartcardSwitchModeDelay 3000
26) SNMP Enabled Autocreated setting to control option SNMP
27) UnlockTimeout 30 Number of seconds to hold the locking mechanism in the unlocked position before returning to the locked position.
28) WebServerSecure Enabled Disable for security issues, If this is disabled, you must contact SDO/TPS to get the script to reverse this setting. It will only "fix" one printer IP address at a time.