1. Access the Entrust IdentityGuard Self Service application at the following link:
2. Login using your ECS Enterprise User Name and Password.
3. Answer the Security Question challenge.
4. Click on the option
Request an eGrid
Note that you may have only one form of second factor authentication active at a time. If you already use a Soft Token, and wish to continue to do so, do not proceed.
5. Confirm you wish to get an eGrid by clicking
6. The eGrid is a password protected PDF file. Enter and confirm a password that conforms to the password rules in the Password Rules pane. Each x becomes a checkmark if your password conforms to the rule. Click
when you have finished.
7. Click
Download eGrid
(a) When prompted, save the PDF file. The default file name is in the format <Username>-egrid.pdf.8. You will be returned to your Self-Service administration options.
(b) After saving the file, click OK . The eGrid will also be sent out via email. This may be useful if you intend to use it from a different device, such as a smart phone.
Your eGrid is now active.
Now when you try to complete secure actions in your account, you will be asked to provide characters from randomly selected positions in your grid.
(a) Locate the PDF file saved in step 10(a) above and open it. When prompted, enter the password you chose in step 9.
(b) Use the use the letter (column) and number (row) combinations on the eGrid to locate the characters requested in the challenge and enter them in the login screen.
(c) Click Login .
If you have any questions or concerns please contact the Entrust Certificate Services Support department for further assistance:
Hours of Operation:
Sunday 8:00 PM ET to Friday 8:00 PM ET
North America (toll free): 1-866-267-9297
Outside North America: 1-613-270-2680 (or see the list below)
NOTE: Smart Phone users may use the 1-800 numbers shown in the table below.
Otherwise, it is very important that international callers dial the UITF format exactly as indicated. Do not dial an extra "1" before the "800" or your call will not be accepted as an UITF toll free call.
Country | Number |
Australia |
0011 - 800-3687-7863
1-800-767-513 |
Austria | 00 - 800-3687-7863 |
Belgium | 00 - 800-3687-7863 |
Denmark | 00 - 800-3687-7863 |
Finland |
990 - 800-3687-7863 (Telecom Finland)
00 - 800-3687-7863 (Finnet) |
France | 00 - 800-3687-7863 |
Germany | 00 - 800-3687-7863 |
Hong Kong |
001 - 800-3687-7863 (Voice)
002 - 800-3687-7863 (Fax) |
Ireland | 00 - 800-3687-7863 |
Israel | 014 - 800-3687-7863 |
Italy | 00 - 800-3687-7863 |
Japan |
001 - 800-3687-7863 (KDD)
004 - 800-3687-7863 (ITJ) 0061 - 800-3687-7863 (IDC) |
Korea |
001 - 800-3687-7863 (Korea Telecom)
002 - 800-3687-7863 (Dacom) |
Malaysia | 00 - 800-3687-7863 |
Netherlands | 00 - 800-3687-7863 |
New Zealand |
00 - 800-3687-7863
0800-4413101 |
Norway | 00 - 800-3687-7863 |
Singapore | 001 - 800-3687-7863 |
Spain | 00 - 800-3687-7863 |
Sweden |
00 - 800-3687-7863 (Telia)
00 - 800-3687-7863 (Tele2) |
Switzerland | 00 - 800-3687-7863 |
Taiwan | 00 - 800-3687-7863 |
United Kingdom |
00 - 800-3687-7863
0800 121 6078 +44 (0) 118 953 3088 |