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Printer Manager D3.18.1 Printer Setting - Communication Tab


Printer Manager Map and SDO Notes for D3.18.1 Printer Setting - Communication Tab

1) CloudMQTTBrokerURI The first server to connect when attempting to connect to the cloud server.
2) CloudMQTTKeepAlive 60 How often to tell the MQTT broker we are still active.
3) CloudMQTTPort 8883 The server port used to connect to the MQTT broker.
4) CloudMQTTReceiveTopic The MQTT topics to receive messages from the broker, ; separated.
5) CloudMQTTSocks5Host
6) CloudMQTTSocks5Password
7) CloudMQTTSocks5Port 3301
8) CloudMQTTSocks5Username
9) CloudMQTTTemporaryURI The server to temporarily use for MQTT broker usage.
10) EthAddressMethod DHCP Method used to obtain the Ethernet network IP Address. When the value is STATIC, EthSubnetMask and EthGatewayAddress can be set. When the value is DHCP, EthIpAddress, EthSubnetMask, and EthGatewayAddress are written automatically.
11) EthDnsAddress1 DNS server 1 IP Address for the Ethernet network. When EthAddressMethod is STATIC, you can set this value. When EthAddressMethod is DHCP, the DNS server controls this value.
12) EthDnsAddress2 DNS server 2 IP Address for the Ethernet network. When EthAddressMethod is STATIC, you can set this value. When EthAddressMethod is DHCP, the DNS server controls this value.
13) EthDnsSearchSuffix DNS search suffix for the Ethernet network. When EthAddressMethod is STATIC, you can set this value. When EthAddressMethod is DHCP, the DNS server controls this value.
14) EthGatewayAddress Gateway IP Address for the Ethernet network. When EthAddressMethod is STATIC, you can set this value. When EthAddressMethod is DHCP, the DNS server controls this value.
15) EthIpAddress IP Address of the Ethernet network. When EthAddressMethod is STATIC, you can set this value. When EthAddressMethod is DHCP, the DNS server provides this value.
16) EthMacAddress MAC Address for the Ethernet network.
17) EthSubnetMask Subnet Mask for the Ethernet network. When EthAddressMethod is STATIC, you can set this value. When EthAddressMethod is DHCP, the DNS server controls this value.
18) IPMode IPv4 Sets the IP stacks that are enabled. Can be IPv4 or IPv4 and IPv6 (Dual Stack).
19) IPv6DefaultGateway :: Set a default gateway address.
20) IPv6DHCPv6Select Enabled Selects whether or not printer obtains an address and stateful configuration from DHCPv6 server.
21) IPv6DNSPrimaryAddress :: Primary IPv6 DNS server.
22) IPv6DNSSecondaryAddress :: Secondary IPv6 DNS server.
23) IPv6ManualAddress :: Manual IPv6 address to be configured when enabled.
24) IPv6ManualPrefixLength 64 IPv6 manual subnet prefix length.
25) IPv6ManualSelect Disabled Selects whether or not printer configures the manual address given.
26) IPv6StatelessAddrSelect Enabled Allows user to disable system from soliciting router for network prefix used to perform stateless automatic address configuration (SLAAC).
27) MinTLSVersion TLS1_2 Minimum TLS protocol support level.