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Use of cash and checks has declined significantly as consumers continue to embrace a range of card-based payment options. Debit cards in particular have enjoyed phenomenal growth over the past decade. The good news is that financial institutions are still in a great position to capitalize on debit c...
Organizations around the world are required to tackle issues from all angles. And, looming over any issuance program — whether it is for payment cards, ID documents and credentials, or newer technology — is the need to ensure security and reduce risk so that consumers and investments are protected. ...
Datacard Group will be speaking on two tracks at CARTES & IDentification 2012 on Nov. 6-8 in Paris, France. Alyssa Arredondo, senior marketing manager for Datacard Group, will present on the Smart Card Innovation: Personalization and Instant Issuing track.  Her presentation, “Proven Ways to Increas...