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24Q3_ECS_Global_SSL Review_November 2023_Blog post_1000x420
The Entrust monthly digital certificates review covers a range of topics including news, trends, and opinions. Entrust CAA for S/MIME Email Certificates PKI Consortium Post-Quantum Cryptography Conference Key Takeaways from the Second PKI Consortium Post-Quantum Cryptography Conference Bu...
CAA for S_MIME Certificates_1000x420
Use of Certification Authority Authorization (CAA) was mandated for TLS certificates in September 2017. The primary purpose of CAA is to allow the domain owner to authorize specific CA(s) to issue TLS certificates for their domains. It also prevents other CAs from issuing TLS certificates for those ...
The Entrust monthly digital certificates review covers a range of topics including — news, trends, and opinions. Bulletproof TLS Newsletter #106 Encrypted Client Hello and the Last Network Privacy Gap TLS News & Notes Chrome blog discussing Unlocking the power of TLS certificate automation f...
digital certificate linting blog_1000x420
In a previous blog we introduced Digital Certificate Linting. It is interesting how certification authorities (CAs) have deployed certificate linting of public trust certificates without policy requirements from the browsers or the CA/Browser Forum. Linting does not need to be mandated as it natural...
SSL Review_September 2023_1000x420
The Entrust monthly digital certificates review covers a range of topics including news, trends, and opinions. Entrust Digitization, Remote Signatures, and eIDAS part 1/2 and 2/2 Digital Certificate Linting Bulletproof TLS Newsletter #105 Microsoft’s Compromised Private Key TLS News & Not...
August-September 2023_Blog post_1341500
The Entrust monthly digital certificates review covers a range of topics including news, trends, and opinions. Entrust Short-lived TLS Certificates Finally Approved Code Signing Revocation Requirements Updated PKI Consortium Introducing first PKI Maturity Model (PKIMM) PKI Consortium Unv...
1330700_Digital Certificates Linting_Blog post_v2-1000x420
My recollection of certificate linting goes back to 2016. Linting started happening to most public trust TLS certificates after three items came together. So, what is linting? I am not a software developer, so the term was foreign to me, but a quick search defined it as: “…the process of performi...