The Entrust monthly SSL review covers TLS/ SSL discussions — recaps, news, trends, and opinions from the industry.
Bulletproof TLS Newsletter #103
TLS News & Notes
- Hashed Out asks What Is a CA Certificate? An Overview of These Key PKI Elements
- RFC proposed for Auto-discovery mechanism for ACME client configuration
- Shortening the Let's Encrypt Chain of Trust
- Cloudflare and Bring your own CA for client certificate validation with API Shield
- Scott Helme discusses Cryptographic Agility Part 1: Server Certificates
- Research paper Certifiably Vulnerable: Using Certificate Transparency Logs for Target Reconnaissance
- Ballot SC-063 v4: Make OCSP Optional, Require CRLs, and Incentivize Automation allows for short-life certificates with no status
S/MIME News & Notes
- S/MIME BR Ballot SMC03: Corrections and clarifications for S/MIME Baseline Requirements will provide updates before the effective date of September 1, 2023
Verified Mark News & Notes
- Verified Mark Certificates Requirements version 1.5 has been released, which will allow Mark Certificates that do not have registered logos