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Revolutionizing e-Gov Service Delivery




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Anchal Mehra

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e-government (e-gov) solutions are at the forefront of digital transformation, revolutionizing the way governments interact with their citizens. Why do governments need e-gov service delivery solutions, and how do credential issuance and verification systems enhance e-government effectiveness?

Why governments need e-gov service delivery solutions

Governments strive to provide citizens with convenient and accessible services, but not all citizens have equal access, particularly those residing in remote areas or facing socioeconomic challenges. e-gov service delivery solutions bridge this gap, ensuring that all citizens, regardless of location or circumstances, can access government services digitally and/or physically.

How you enable citizens to access government services securely and seamlessly, whether they’re crossing borders, applying for benefits, renewing their driver’s license, or paying taxes, impacts their engagement and trust in government. These solutions enable governments to provide real-time updates and share information, while maintaining the integrity of citizen data and protecting privacy.

A citizen-centric approach focuses on enhancing the overall user experience to boost citizen satisfaction, promoting transparency, and strengthening public trust.

Moving to e-government solutions presents specific challenges: How can you verify citizen identity in a digital interaction? How can governments ensure that the right citizens are getting the right services, and prevent fraud? Governments need to ensure they can issue digital and physical credentials, positively verify identities online and in a service center, and authenticate citizen access to services. Credential issuance, credential verification, digital signing, and identity management systems accelerate the potential of eGov service delivery solutions.

How credential issuance and verification help governments achieve their e-gov goals

Credential issuance and verification systems serve as accelerators in maximizing the potential of e-gov solutions. These systems enable governments to issue and verify digital credentials, such as identification documents, licenses, permits, and certifications by eliminating the need for manual verification each step of the way. This expedites service delivery, reduces the administrative burden, and safeguards against fraudulent activities.

These systems also facilitate interoperability and portability of credentials across sectors and jurisdictions. Governments can collaborate with educational institutions, private sector entities, and other government agencies to establish a trusted network for exchanging and verifying credentials. This interoperability enables smooth processes such as licensing, educational certifications, immigration, and cross-border services.

Governments need to provide citizens with convenient and accessible services. E-government solutions enable citizens to submit applications, make payments, and track progress from anywhere at any time. This citizen-centric approach enhances the overall user experience and boosts citizen satisfaction with government services.

Best-in-class e-government solution services should encompass:


Improve government-to-citizen (G2C) interactions with easy-to-adopt, convenient, and secure digital channels including a web portal and mobile app. Provide strong, vetted identity and document verification.


Issue standard-compliant citizen identities with support for multiple form factors – digital and physical. Realize one unified organizational workflow, one citizen record, and one citizen journey.


Deliver a secure seamless omnichannel citizen experience. Collect digital signatures from anyone, anywhere and expedite certification processes while increasing overall productivity. Maintain service delivery integrity and mitigate fraud risk with knowledge, possession, and/or biometric factors.

Entrust’s new survey infographic reveals citizens are demanding more digital G2C interactions. E-government secures citizen identities, expedites verification processes, and fosters trust and security. Governments embracing e-gov service delivery solutions along with robust credential issuance and verification systems will revolutionize G2C interactions, making them more efficient, inclusive, and responsive to citizen needs.

Anchal Mehra
Product Marketing Manager, Identity Verification
Anchal Mehra, Product Marketing Manager for Identity Verification Solutions, has over 7 years of experience in the tech industry and has worked in leadership, product marketing, and operational roles for companies specializing in software, hardware, fashion, and consulting. She is passionate about digitalization in identity and in promoting products that solve real-world problems.
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