The Entrust monthly SSL review covers TLS/SSL discussions — recaps, news, trends, and opinions from the industry.
- Government Organizations can now get Verified Mark Certificates for their outgoing emails
- Use of CRL Reason Codes Updated
PKI Consortium
- A successful first Post-Quantum Cryptography Conference
- Slides for first Post-Quantum Cryptography Conference
90-Day TLS Certificates
- Chrome Moving Forward, Together promoting 90-day TLS certificates and ACME deployment
- Tim Callan addresses Google Announces Intentions to Limit TLS Certificates to 90 Days: Why Automated CLM is Crucial
Unmitigated Risk
- Strengthening Domain Control Verification: The Role of Multiple Perspectives and Collaboration
- Exploring the Potential of Domain Control Notaries for MPDV in WebPKI
- Towards Greater Accountability: A Proposal for CA Issuance Decision Logs
Bulletproof TLS Newsletter #99
TLS News & Notes
- Douglas Stebila introduces TurboTLS: TLS connection establishment with 1 less round trip
- Google Trust Services now offers TLS certificates for Google Domains customers
- Cloudflare notes Mutual TLS now available for Workers
- Hashed out asks Is HTTPS Secure? A Look at How Secure HTTPS Is
- Cloudflare provides Out now! Auto-renew TLS certificates with DCV Delegation
- Let’s Encrypt announces Improving Resiliency and Reliability for Let’s Encrypt with ARI
- SSLMate and Why Your Website Is Failing With ERR_CERTIFICATE_TRANSPARENCY_REQUIRED (March 2023 Edition)
- John Aas states Rustls 0.21.0 Released With Exciting New Features