The Entrust monthly SSL review covers TLS/SSL discussions — recaps, news, trends, and opinions from the industry.
- Major Momentum: Apple Supports BIMI in iOS 16
- How do I display my brand’s logo in emails?
- Update - CA/Browser Forum Updates Requirements for Code Signing Certificate Private Keys
RIP Peter Eckersley
Bulletproof TLS Newsletter #93
Other News & Notes
- Josh Fruhlinger reminds us about 2014 and The Heartbleed bug: How a flaw in OpenSSL caused a security crisis. Also, a simple Heartbleed Explanation from XKCD
- Let’s Encrypt will support CRLs but will not be including the URLs in the CRL Distribution Point extension of their certificates. See A New Life for Certificate Revocation Lists
- Chromium Project and Announcing the Launch of the Chrome Root Program
- BGP attack and Celer Bridge incident analysis
- Eric Lawrence provides HTTPS Goofs: Forgetting the Bare Domain