The Entrust monthly SSL review covers SSL/TLS discussions — recaps news, trends, and opinions from the industry.
PKI Consortium
- PKI Consortium & ETSI sign Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)
- An open letter to Apple (regarding Apple Policy and S/MIME certificates)
Russia cyber issues
- Anthony Rutkowski discusses Creating a Russian No-Cyber Zone
- Bill Toulas says Russia creates its own TLS certificate authority to bypass sanctions
- Scott Ikeda assesses Russian Certificate Authority Issuing Native TLS Certificates to Beat Sanctions, But Plan Has Limitations
Bulletproof TLS Newsletter #87
Other News & Notes
- Prossimo project and Bringing Memory Safe TLS to Apache httpd
- Bill Toulas advises Experts urge EU not to force insecure certificates in web browsers
- Draft IETF RFC for Suppressing CA Certificates in TLS 1.3
- Cloudflare and Introducing: Backup Certificates
- Hardenize states Chrome Removes “One Google Log” Requirement from Its CT Policy
- Close Primes and Fermat Attack on RSA