The global COVID-19 pandemic has been unsettling for all of us, personally and professionally. I'm writing today with a simple message for you and your business: We're here for you.
As we stated in our last update, Entrust Datacard has a robust business continuity program in place. Our entire leadership team is focused on managing through the COVID-19 crisis. Like you, we are making sure that we stay informed on recommended best practices from experts like the World Health Organization (WHO), the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and we are monitoring how governments around the world are taking action to slow the spread of the virus. As a global company, we support these efforts and are guiding our colleagues around the world to do the same.
Our focus for our clients and partners is to minimize disruption in supply, support, and service across hardware and consumables, software, and hosted environments. We do not currently anticipate supply or service issues and we will communicate promptly should this change.
Moreover, several US states and regions have or are considering shelter-in-place orders. While each order varies, given the nature of our business, we believe we qualify as providing essential services under these orders and can continue manufacturing, product delivery and providing on-site support and service to our customers, in addition to remote service and support.
Here is an update on key actions we are taking to ensure that we continue to deliver for you during this challenging time:
Supply and Service:
- Entrust Datacard's hosted data centers and critical infrastructure are fully functional, backed by multiple redundancies, and have customer support staffed from multiple locations across time zones. We are taking steps to ensure that we are able to serve customers securely from remote locations where possible. Our information security team is equipped to work securely from home, and we have health and security protocols in place to enable safe and secure access to physical data centers and forensics labs where required.
- We have multiple supply chain hubs around the world with needed inventory to serve our customers globally. This redundancy in concert with our business continuity plans for our US-based manufacturing facility provides resiliency in our operations and ability to serve customers. We are actively managing our supply chain operations and will take additional steps as needed to meet the needs of our customers. We are speaking with suppliers and distribution hubs daily to quickly identify any potential supply or operational issues.
- We have distributed guidelines for customers to clean and disinfect Entrust Datacard printers and systems to best protect machine users and operators.
Facilities and Travel:
- With the exception of China, all of our colleagues who can work from home are now required to do so – with protocols in place to ensure that we are working securely. Health protocols for hygiene, including social distancing, are in place for facilities where employees cannot work from home, and we are monitoring and adhering to evolving guidance from world health organizations.
- We have discontinued business travel and are limiting visitors to our locations. I am personally reviewing any requested exceptions to these policies.
Over these past few weeks, as the COVID-19 pandemic has become a global crisis, I have been talking to many of you – our clients and partners – as well as my colleagues and friends. I am inspired by stories of businesses and individuals going above and beyond to maintain operations while taking care of one another. As we adapt to the "new normal" caused by this pandemic, it is clear that data security and trusted identities are more important than ever – which only deepens our dedication to serving you well.
We will continue to provide updates as this situation evolves. If you have any questions, please reach out to me, your Entrust Datacard contact, or email us at [email protected].
Todd Wilkinson President & CEO, Entrust Datacard