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Why the Future of Authentication Doesn't Involve Passwords




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Ryan Zlockie

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Password security just isn’t what it used to be. Let’s face it. As cybercriminals rapidly mature and become more sophisticated with their tactics, the single authentication provided by passwords is no longer sufficient for keeping data and identities safe. That’s not to say passwords are no longer viable, just that their role in securing the assets of both individuals and businesses must change as the evolution of authentication continues to drive a variety of innovation and use cases.

Nowhere is this more evident than in the workplace

Employees today are pushing the boundaries of the traditional workplace as businesses become more digital and employees work remotely. With this convenience and flexibility comes an increased risk of security breaches.

According to Ponemon’s State of Endpoint Report, remote workers with multiple mobile devices pose a significant endpoint security risk to a company’s IT environment. In many cases, passwords remain the only line of defense between persistent hackers and troves of sensitive and highly-valuable data, including bank accounts, credit cards and company documents.

While the usage and strength of passwords have come a long way since they were first introduced back in the 1960s, there is still a long way to go in locking down the security measure. The toughest part is the onus on users to not only create strong, complex passwords, but to also not repeat the usage of those passwords across multiple sites. We know all too well that remembering a different 12- to 18-character password across an increasing number of password-protected sites isn’t very manageable or efficient.

Look no further than Verizon’s 2017 Data Breach Investigations Report, which found that 81 percent of hacking-related breaches leverage either weak and/or stolen passwords, to see the shortcomings of relying solely on passwords to secure information and keep cybercrime at bay.

That leaves one question – if passwords are too vulnerable and no longer getting the job done, then what does that mean for the future of authentication?

Mobile-enabled authentication

By harnessing the power and convenience of mobile devices, enterprise authentication can be integrated directly into a medium that has increasingly become ingrained in our daily lives. With the right steps in place, mobility can be secured for businesses through mobile-enabled adaptive authentication.

That’s why IntelliTrust from Entrust Datacard was introduced: to help organizations navigating the digital revolution take the best possible security of smart credentials from the on-premise world of management to mobile devices and the cloud, without any of the complexities of building or managing its infrastructure. As the future of authentication continues to evolve and the threat of breach grows, we’re committed to being the trusted partner for secure identities.

Note: This is part two in a four-part blog series that explores the evolution of authentication amidst the digital revolution, inspired by the Entrust Datacard new IntelliTrust solution. To learn more, visit

