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Entrust Headed to Montreal for ICAO Conference




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On Oct. 22, industry leaders in the biometric, border security and machine readable travel documents (MRTD) space will gather for the Ninth Symposium and Exhibition on MRTDs, Biometrics and Border Security at the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) headquarters in Montreal.

One of the key attendees at this year’s ICAO event will be Entrust, a global leader in citizen eID and ePassport technology. As an active member in leading the eID and ePassport security standards body within ICAO, Entrust provides security capabilities for 50 percent of all ePassports that are issued globally. Additionally, 16 of the top 20 e-governments rely on Entrust to provide them with a key component of their trust architecture.

In addition to stopping by Booth 13 during this event, attendees interested in learning more about Entrust at this year’s symposium should attend the company’s two presentations. The first will be a solutions-oriented workshop featuring senior technical product manager V.M.V. Kumar. Kumar will shed light on Entrust’s solutions for ePassport issuance and validation on Tuesday, Oct. 22, at 10:30 a.m. Then, at 3:15 p.m. Entrust’s director of PKI product management Mark Joynes will explore the future eMRTD PKI expansion during the gold sponsor presentation.

Entrust will bring to the table the knowledge and technology necessary to scale trust architectures for the purposes of meeting the myriad of national and global travel and citizen ID documents. This helps national and global government issuance and verification agencies meet security and trust needs, while staying within their budgets.

By using Entrust’s solutions, document credentials can be verified from the master government agencies all the way down to the local inspection stations that check the travel documents for authenticity at borders. Entrust, as dual rooted CA, facilitates easy migration to more advanced document technology, including basic access control (BAC) and extended access control (EAC) passports.

The three-day ICAO symposium will address the standards and specifications surrounding ICAO eMRTD, as well as identity and trust management. It will also highlight best practices for ensuring border security. Further highlights will include updates on the 2013 ICAO Assembly as well as the ICAO Traveler Identification Program. Those in attendance will be treated to a special focus on the implementation of automated border control (ABC) systems while staying in compliance with ICAO standards.

Further topics to be explored will be the biometric verification process, trusted traveler programs, border integrity and quality control. The importance of this year’s symposium, however, is centered on the next generation of ePassports, which will feature expanded biometric data usage.

Entrust Datacard
